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A Black Queer Medical and Public Health Bibliography

This selective bibliography emerged from an academic-year long collection by the Gxnecologx Justice Lab of academic publications in medicine and public health that focus on or include the Black queer population on reproductive health matters. We sought to access the representation of the Black queer community in that literature. This is not an exhaustive bibliography but represents most of the key identified literature to-date of reproductive health research in medicine and public health.


We share these references for public use; and as a call to action to interrogate the racial, gender, sexual, and class politics of research and publication in these disciplines about Black queer reproductive health; how identities and social experiences are accounted for and written into medical and public health publications; and how may we deepen the efforts to apply Queer Black feminist strategies to medical and public health discourses on reproductive health across the wider spectrum of topics such as reproductive cancer, STDs, family making, gender affirming surgeries, and birthing.

Adams, Brian, Sarah Krier, Jess Netto, Nayck Feliz, and M. Reuel Friedman. 2018. “‘All We Had Were the Streets’: Lessons Learned from a Recreation-Based Community Health Space for Young Black MSM and Trans Women across the HIV Prevention and Care Continuum.” AIDS Education and Prevention: Official Publication of the International Society for AIDS Education 30 (4): 309–21.

Agénor, Madina, S. Bryn Austin, Daniel Kort, Erika L. Austin, and Christina A. Muzny. 2016. “Sexual Orientation and Sexual and Reproductive Health among African American Sexual Minority Women in the U.S. South.” Women’s Health Issues: Official Publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women’s Health 26 (6): 612–21. 

Agénor, Madina, Zinzi Bailey, Nancy Krieger, S. Bryn Austin, and Barbara R. Gottlieb. 2015. “Exploring the Cervical Cancer Screening Experiences of Black Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer Women: The Role of Patient-Provider Communication.” Women & Health 55 (6): 717–36. 

Agénor, Madina, Ashley E. Pérez, Sarah M. Peitzmeier, Jennifer Potter, and Sonya Borrero. 2018. “Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Initiation among Sexual Orientation Identity and Racial/Ethnic Subgroups of Black and White U.s. Women and Girls: An Intersectional Analysis.” Journal of Women’s Health (2002) 27 (11): 1349–58.

Arnold, Emily A., Gregory M. Rebchook, and Susan M. Kegeles. 2014. “‘Triply Cursed’: Racism, Homophobia and HIV-Related Stigma Are Barriers to Regular HIV Testing, Treatment Adherence and Disclosure among Young Black Gay Men.” Culture, Health & Sexuality 16 (6): 710–22

Barcelona, Veronica, Virginia Jenkins, Laura E. Britton, and Bethany G. Everett. 2022. “Adverse Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes in Sexual Minority Women from the National Survey of Family Growth.” BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 22 (1). 

Brandzel, Amy L. 2016. “The Subjects of Survival: The Anti-Intersectional Routes of Breast Cancer.” WSQ Women's Studies Quarterly 44 (1–2): 128–51. 

Brown, Katherine, Melissa Plummer, Arielle Bell, Maya Combs, Brandi Gates-Burgess, Alexandra Mitchell, Marshawna Sparks, Monica R. McLemore, and Andrea Jackson. 2022. “Black Women’s Lived Experiences of Abortion.” Qualitative Health Research 32 (7): 1099–1113

Charles, Nicole. 2018. “HPV Vaccination and Affective Suspicions in Barbados.” Feminist Formations 30 (1): 46–70. 

Charlton, Brittany M., Jenny L. Carwile, Jorge E. Chavarro, Amy D. DiVasta, Najat J. Ziyadeh, and S. Bryn Austin. 2022. “Sexual Orientation and Age at Menarche in Three U.s. Longitudinal Cohorts.” The Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 70 (1): 163–66

Chiu, Izzy, Matisse Leathers, Damiana Cano, Caitlin M. Turner, Dillon Trujillo, Sofia Sicro, Sean Arayasirikul, Kelly D. Taylor, Erin C. Wilson, and Willi McFarland. 2022. “HIV Prevalence, Engagement in Care, and Risk Behavior among Trans Women, San Francisco: Evidence of Recent Successes and Remaining Challenges.” International Journal of STD & AIDS 33 (12): 1029–37. 

Christy, Kayonne, Sujane Kandasamy, Umair Majid, Kelly Farrah, and Meredith Vanstone. 2021. “Understanding Black Women’s Perspectives and Experiences of Cervical Cancer Screening: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Meta-Synthesis.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 32 (4): 1675–97. 

Dean, Lorraine T., Naomi Greene, Mary Anne Adams, Sophia R. Geffen, Jowanna Malone, Kristi Tredway, and Tonia Poteat. 2021. “Beyond Black and White: Race and Sexual Identity as Contributors to Healthcare System Distrust after Breast Cancer Screening among US Women.” Psycho-Oncology 30 (7): 1145–50. 

Dhand, Amar, and Gurpreet Dhaliwal. 2010. “Examining Patient Conceptions: A Case of Metastatic Breast Cancer in an African American Male to Female Transgender Patient.” Journal of General Internal Medicine 25 (2)


Doorn, Niels van. 2012. “Between Hope and Abandonment: Black Queer Collectivity and the Affective Labour of Biomedicalised HIV Prevention.” Culture, Health & Sexuality 14 (7): 827–40. 

Everett, Bethany G., Aubrey Limburg, Brittany M. Charlton, Jae M. Downing, and Phoenix A. Matthews. 2021. “Sexual Identity and Birth Outcomes: A Focus on the Moderating Role of Race-Ethnicity.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 62 (2): 183–201. 

Everett, Bethany G., Katharine F. McCabe, and Tonda L. Hughes. 2016. “Unintended Pregnancy, Depression, and Hazardous Drinking in a Community-Based Sample of Sexual Minority Women.” Journal of Women’s Health (2002) 25 (9): 904–11.

Fontenot, Holly B., Terrence Lee-St. John, Ralph Vetters, Danielle Funk, Chris Grasso, and Kenneth H. Mayer. 2016. “The Association of Health Seeking Behaviors with Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Status among High-Risk Urban Youth.” Sexually Transmitted Diseases 43 (12): 771–77. 

Gerend, Mary A., Krystal Madkins, Shariell Crosby, Aaron K. Korpak, Gregory L. Phillips 2nd, Michael Bass, Magda Houlberg, and Brian Mustanski. 2019. “A Qualitative Analysis of Young Sexual Minority Men’s Perspectives on Human Papillomavirus Vaccination.” LGBT Health 6 (7): 350–56. 

Greene, Naomi, Jowanna Malone, Mary Anne Adams, Lorraine T. Dean, and Tonia Poteat. 2021. “‘This Is Some Mess Right Here’: Exploring Interactions between Black Sexual Minority Women and Health Care Providers for Breast Cancer Screening and Care.” Cancer 127 (1): 74–81. 

Jones, Cara E. 2021. “Queering Gendered Disabilities.” Journal of Lesbian Studies 25 (3): 195–211


K Matthews, Alicia. 2013. “Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Behaviors of African American Sexual Minority Women.” Journal of General Practice (Los Angeles, Calif.) 01 (02). 


Kruk, Mary, Jes L. Matsick, and Britney M. Wardecker. 2021. “Femininity Concerns and Feelings about Menstruation Cessation among Lesbian, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Women: Implications for Menopause.” Journal of Women’s Health (2002) 30 (12): 1751–60. 


Lacombe-Duncan, Ashley, Nazanin Andalibi, Lee Roosevelt, and Emma Weinstein-Levey. 2022. “Minority Stress Theory Applied to Conception, Pregnancy, and Pregnancy Loss: A Qualitative Study Examining LGBTQ+ People’s Experiences.” PloS One 17 (7): e0271945. 


Loureiro, Gabriela Silva. 2020. “To Be Black, Queer and Radical: Centring the Epistemology of Marielle Franco.” Open Cultural Studies 4 (1): 50–58


MacDonald, Trevor, Joy Noel-Weiss, Diana West, Michelle Walks, Marylynne Biener, Alanna Kibbe, and Elizabeth Myler. 2016. “Transmasculine Individuals’ Experiences with Lactation, Chestfeeding, and Gender Identity: A Qualitative Study.” BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 16 (1)


Malone, Jowanna, Sevly Snguon, Lorraine T. Dean, Mary Anne Adams, and Tonia Poteat. 2019. “Breast Cancer Screening and Care among Black Sexual Minority Women: A Scoping Review of the Literature from 1990 to 2017.” Journal of Women’s Health (2002) 28 (12): 1650–60. 


Monterrosa, Alvaro, Juan E. Blumel, and Peter Chedraui. 2008. “Increased Menopausal Symptoms among Afro-Colombian Women as Assessed with the Menopause Rating Scale.” Maturitas 59 (2): 182–90. 


Nordqvist, Petra. 2012. “‘I Don’t Want Us to Stand out More than We Already Do’: Lesbian Couples Negotiating Family Connections in Donor Conception.” Sexualities 15 (5–6): 644–61. 


Owens, Emily A. 2019. “Reproducing Racial Fictions: Critical Meditations on (a) Lesbian Pregnancy.” Signs 44 (4): 859–82. 

Pingel, Emily S., and José A. Bauermeister. 2018. “‘Church Hurt Can Be the Worst Hurt’: Community Stakeholder Perceptions of the Role of Black Churches in HIV Prevention among Young Black Gay and Bisexual Men.” Culture, Health & Sexuality 20 (2): 218–31. 


Poteat, Tonia C., Mary Anne Adams, Jowanna Malone, Sophia Geffen, Naomi Greene, Michael Nodzenski, Alexandre G. Lockhart, I-Hsuan Su, and Lorraine T. Dean. 2021. “Delays in Breast Cancer Care by Race and Sexual Orientation: Results from a National Survey with Diverse Women in the United States.” Cancer 127 (19): 3514–22. 


Radis, Brie, and Roberta G. Sands. 2021. “Learning from African American Lesbian Mothers about Conducting Research.” Journal of GLBT Family Studies 17 (3): 214–30. 


Seelman, Kristie L., Mary Anne Adams, and Tonia Poteat. 2017. “Interventions for Healthy Aging among Mature Black Lesbians: Recommendations Gathered through Community-Based Research.” Journal of Women & Aging 29 (6): 530–42


Sharma, Anjali, Peter L. Flom, Clifford J. Rosen, and Ellie E. Schoenbaum. 2015. “Racial Differences in Bone Loss and Relation to Menopause among HIV-Infected and Uninfected Women.Bone 77: 24–30.


Spieldenner, Andrew. 2016. “PrEP Whores and HIV Prevention: The Queer Communication of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP).” Journal of Homosexuality 63 (12): 1685–97. 


West, William, Maria Beatriz Torres, Darryl Mitteldorf, Benjamin D. Capistrant, Badrinath R. Konety, Elizabeth Polter, and B. R. Simon Rosser. 2021. “The Challenge of Coming out to Providers by Gay and Bisexual Men with Prostate Cancer: Qualitative Results from the Restore Study.” International Journal of Sexual Health: Official Journal of the World Association for Sexual Health 33 (3): 426–38.


Zubizarreta, Dougie, Ariel L. Beccia, Mai-Han Trinh, Colleen A. Reynolds, Sari L. Reisner, and Brittany M. Charlton. 2022. “Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Disparities among U.S. College Students: An Intersectional Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity and Discriminatory Accuracy (MAIHDA).” Social Science & Medicine (1982) 301 (114871): 114871. 

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